Friday, October 23, 2009

Unemployed: Thinking of ways to make money

Well yes, I am still unemployed! I had a real close call but turned out to be a false alarm. Anyhow, it's Friday night and like always (especially while unemployed) I am thinking of ways to make money. So I got out my camera and started taking pictures. I guess this is because I associate my camera with making money ever since I started making money taking photographs. :). Coincidently I grabbed a small taxi cab I got from one of my trips to NYC (when I had money) and started working on using the AV mode on my camera. Do you see how the taxi cab relates to money. I hope so....

So while I was thinking about blogging on this topic the taxi cab reminded me of something other than money. My sister-n-law's dad was injured while trimming a palm tree in his backyard. For some reason he thought it was a good idea to place a ladder on top of a folding table to get higher up in the tree. It didn't go to well for him. As you might imagine, he fell and broke his legs. He drives or drove (before accident) a taxi and that's how he made money.  So anyways, I guess morale of the story is don't go putting ladders on tables because you will not be able to make any money.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

2nd Interview

I'm being interviewed tomorrow for the 2nd time at the same company. I'm even more nervous this time than the first. Why? Well here's my list:

1. I hate being in the position of needing an interview. I had to get that out of the way.
2. I hate having to refresh myself on how to "impress a potential employer". E-how and are so lame.
3. Then there's the whole what to wear chaos the morning of.
4. Of course you don't want your answers to be too long or to short.
5. You are asked if you want water or something to drink like 500x.
6. Then when the interviews are over there is the waiting period.
Need I say more.....

Well I'll make sure to let you all know how my chaotic morning went getting dressed and how I did trying to impress my potential new employer!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Running low on money but not on ideas!

This sunday i will be hosting my 1st public photography event. Here are the details:

What: Family Portraits
Where: Call for location - 408 256-3199
Cost - Free with purchase of prints

Monday, July 13, 2009

3 Weeks

It's been 3 weeks since I got laid off from work and I am starting to get bored..... I've been applying to jobs but no luck... which is nice for now. :)

i've been taking a lot of pictures but not getting paid for it. :( but i have a job coming up - it's a family portrait.

I'm excited about a couple of classes I'm going to be taking. One is Photoshop and the other is Guitar lessons. Now I just have to buy m guitar and rip Photoshop. :)